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The rack
A rack is present to keep the instrument in the closed position, grip the needle and avoid abnormal operator fatigue.

What you need to check

It can appear and persist on instruments often in a humid atmosphere and in contact with various proteins.
To be checked :
It can appear when welding the plates when changing jaws.
It can appear at the joint in the form of stripes.
It can appear at the joint in the form of stripes.
To be checked :
Check the wear level of the tungsten working part.
If it is worn, the instrument must be sent for repair for the exchange of this interchangeable part.

It can appear and persist on instruments often in a humid atmosphere and in contact with various proteins.

It can appear and persist on instruments often in a humid atmosphere and in contact with various proteins.
To be checked :
Lubricate the clamps at the joint when reassembling.
Entrust maintenance to a qualified repairer
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